Monday, December 20, 2010

Junto 1/20/2011!!!

Next Junto will be on Thursay the 20th 2:00pm @ Craigos.

Our reading will be the first 4 chapters of The Road to Serfdom by F.A. Hayek.

I have not been able to find a complete free pdf version of this book but this is one that should be on everyone's shelf anyways. Amazon has a great deal for it HERE. If you are unable to acquire the book, Ryan Kristjanson has found an abridged version of the book which can be downloaded HERE.

In addition, feel free to invite any of your friends to Junto as we are always looking for more to come.

Go ahead and post discussion questions as comments to this blog.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Junto Break

Hey everyone!

Huge thanks to V.P. Scrimshaw yesterday for leading what I think was our best Junto yet!

As we discussed, we want to read a book over the break and discuss it for our first Junto meeting in January. If you've read an awesome book on liberty or economics that you think would fit well for a Junto discussion, please post it as soon as possible as a comment! We need to get one chosen soon so that we can have enough time to read it before January.

Email me at if you have any questions.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Junto 11/18/10

Big thanks to Matt Huff for doing a great job on the last discussion.

Next Junto's discussion is going to be on an interesting topic called Anarcho-Capitalism. Our reading is going to be much more manageable than last week's and can be found at: .

We are still looking into who will lead this discussion but feel free to ago ahead and post some discussion points as comments.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Junto 11/4/2010

A big thanks to Eric Hull for leading our last Junto discussion!

We are still looking for a discussion leader for next time but we already have decided on the topic. It is will be Murray Rothbard's "The Case for a 100% Gold Standard". This can be found here:

There is a small preface at the beginning of the webpage and you'll need to scroll down a ways to get to the start of the book. We are getting this up so early since it is a somewhat longer read than we have had in the past (comparable to The Law by Bastiat). Feel free to post some discussion questions as comments to this post.

Thanks everyone!

Monday, October 11, 2010

Junto 10/21/2010

Next Junto will be 10/21/2010, 2:00pm @ Craigo's pizza.

Our next discussion will be on some select reading of Ayn Rand's "Atlas Shrugged" and will be lead by Eric Hull. Eric will be posting some prep materials as a comment on this post.

Sean and myself (Colin) are working on some exciting ideas to present at the beginning of Junto on the 21st, so get pumped!

Feel free invite any and all friends to Junto. Keep in mind the primary focus of these meetings is to increase our knowledge of important fundamentals, economic and philosophical, to be better able to defend freedom and liberty to all.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Next meeting Thursday 10/08/2010

Thanks to all who posted some topic ideas for Junto! We've put them all in the hopper and plan to get to them in due course.

This week's topic is going to be on the Commerce Clause as a enumerated power listed in the Constitution. Misinterpretations of this clause have lead to an explosion in power used by the Federal Government. Reading for this meeting will be a talk given by Dallin H. Oaks at the University of Utah and the Wikipedia article on the Commerce Clause.

Ryan Johnson will be leading the discussion, so feel free to post possible discussion questions as comments to this thread to better prepare for Thursday.


Thursday, September 16, 2010

Junto Topic Ideas

Great Junto today!

Go ahead and post your ideas for possible Junto topics as comments to this post.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Junto is back!

Thursday September 16th 2:00pm at Craigo's Pizza will be our first Junto back from break.

As is traditional with the first Junto back, we will be revisiting The Law by Frederic Bastiat which can be viewed here:

The discussion will be lead by Ryan Kristjanson who will have some insights prepared for a great liberty power hour!

One main goal of this blog is to invite everyone to post discussion questions below as comments. By posting these questions everyone should get a feel for what direction the conversation will go, helping us to know what concepts we can dive deeper into and which ones to possibly stay away from.

See you all there!

Friday, July 2, 2010

7/8/2010 Ron Nate & The Economics Society

Next Junto meeting date is undecided at this time. However, Ron Nate will be giving a presentation to the Economics Society on campus. More details will be provided soon.

As discussed last Junto, here is an excellent video "For Liberty: How the Ron Paul Revolution Watered the Withered Tree of Liberty"For Liberty: How the Ron Paul Revolution Watered the Withered Tree of L

Feel free to comment on the video!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Junto 7/1/10, "Manifesto of the Communist Party"

7/1/10 Topic:

What do the enemies of liberty and freedom teach?

Reading: "Manifesto of the Communist Party"

Junto Blog

Hi Everyone!

In an effort to improve the quality of our bi-monthly meetings we have decided to make this blog as a way to enhance our preparation for each topic. All future Junto topics and information will be posted on this blog. It is very important that you subscribe to this blog so that you receive an email whenever a new topic is posted as the traditional e-mail blast will be going away.

One main intended function of this blog is to encourage preparation for Junto by posting discussion questions as comments. By doing this we hope to achieve an understanding and preparation that will allow us to all be on the same page at Junto and dig deeper into each topic. Additional articles and insights are very much welcomed and encouraged.

We will discuss more fully the purpose of the blog at next Junto's meeting and answer any questions that any of you have!